Steve Grant
Series in Revelation
The Brilliance of our Inheritance
Revelation 21:9 - 22:6
25 February 2024
The things of the future are too great to imagine; too glorious to comprehend. For Christians, this future is ours, and our home is in New Jerusalem.
John uses word pictures to explain the unimaginable glory of God, because it is so great, and hard to grasp. God's glory is indescribably beautiful, and so is our new home - the New Jerusalem. John describes it as a real place: physical, with a wall and human measurements given.
Through the chapter, we take a brief tour of the celestial city: glittering walls twelve storeys tall; a city 2,220 kilometres in each direction; twelve gates named after the twelve tribes. Heaven is not some abstract reality - it is a real place, and our glorious future home.