05 Blessed Are The Merciful (Matthew 5:7)

Alex Townsend
Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes
Blessed are the Merciful
Matthew 5:7
26 May 2024

The beatitudes describe true believers' spiritual state. Those who are in the Kingdom are characterized by mercy.

We see the divine definition of mercy - mercy is sympathy which motivates action. Mercy is foremost seen in God who is known for His mercy, like in His patience towards Israel in Exodus. Christ is the ultimate expression of mercy, forgiving us through His own death.

We see the Christians' character of mercy. Mercy responds to the misery of sin and suffering in two ways - with forgiveness and restoration, and with practical help and compassion. Mercy is not a one time action, but the character of a redeemed life.

We see Christ's commitment to mercy. God Himself will extend mercy to those who are merciful - having this character in our life is an assurance of our salvation. Does this quality show forth in our lives?