Chad Coley
Series in First Corinthians
Tolerance of Sin is Sin
1 Corinthians 5:1 - 8
11 August 2024
Accepting sin within a church destroys it. The church must mourn over sin, take sin seriously, and act as God's holy people.
The church must mourn over sin (v. 1 - 2). The right attitude to sin in the church is not acceptance. But the Corinthians were arrogant, unwilling to listen to Paul's rebuke. Pride justifies sin and ignores the damage to Christ's name and the church.
The church must take sin seriously (v. 3 - 5). Church discipline is ordained by God to keep the church pure - designed to bring repentance and reconciliation. Paul's judgment to remove the gross sin from the church was a command of Christ, not over a preference issue.
The church must act as God's holy people (v. 6 - 8). The purpose of removing unrepentant people from the church is that they might be saved. Open sin in the church spreads like cancer, but discipline keeps it pure.