Blessed Are The Merciful

Psalm 41 begins just like Jesus’ statement in Matt 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” “Blessed” is the state that you are in when you are right with God. Continual showing of mercy to others is a clear indication of your faith in Jesus Christ.

The theme of this Psalm is grace (41:4,10). David lays out in this psalm the general principle that God shows mercy to those who are merciful, and then he illustrates it in his own life. True faith seeks to help others in a way that is thoughtful and considerate (41:1). God’s people are blessed in that He favours His people with deliverance, protection, and strength continually throughout their lives (41:1-3). Brethren, showing mercy and grace to others demonstrates the reality of your right relationship with God. Faith is more than religious exercise, it is to “visit orphans & widows in their distress” (James 1:27).

David illustrates this principle in his own life as he prays for God’s grace (41:4,10). He is honest and confesses that his sickness is because of his sin (41:4). While he is sick, people take the opportunity to speak against him, even hoping out loud for his death (41:5). Instead of showing him grace and mercy they pretend to show concern when in his presence, but they are really hoping for his downfall (41:5-8). In his greatest pain, even his close and trusted friend acted treacherously toward him (41:9). Brethren, David does not want you to experience his pain and betrayal. Show grace and mercy to others in light of the grace that you have received from God. Give praise God for His mercy to you, and give God the glory that He deserves (41:11-13).