Learn From Israel’s Unfaithfulness 

When we read about the continual sin of the nation of Israel it can be tempting to say “why don’t they just listen and obey!” The psalmist knows this and calls all who will hear him to confess that they are guilty of the same kinds of sin and plead for the salvation of the Lord. 

The psalmist begins this psalm with a call for all believers to praise the Lord, for He is good, and faithful to His promises (106:1-5).

Israel was continually rebellious and unfaithful, in spite of the mighty works of God on their behalf (106:6-39). The psalmist recounts the sins of Israel and confesses that “we have sinned like our fathers...” (106:6). The fickle unbelief of the nation of Israel was evident early on when God delivered them from bondage in Egypt (106:7-12). Then in the wilderness, they were dominated by their lusts and impatiently demanded that God meet their desires (106:14). They jealously rebelled against the leadership that God had put in authority over them (106:16). They exchanged YHWH worship for idol worship (106:19). They grumbled and refused to believe God’s word concerning the promised land (106:24). They committed acts of immorality and broke their covenant with God (106:28). They refused to trust God that He would provide, provoking the Lord to anger (106:32). Finally, they refused to obey God’s word regarding the peoples of the land. They became like them, polluting the land by sacrificing their children to demons (106:34-39). 

God’s discipline upon His covenant people was hard, yet even in the midst of His judgment He still showed great compassion to His people (106:40-46). Remembering all of these things the psalmist humbly pleads with the Lord for His salvation, and calls all believers to “Praise the Lord!”