“...repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:19)
Taking a break in the ‘land of the long white cloud’ for a month makes a time of refreshing, come real easy. It’s a place where we enjoyed sunshine, (and some rain), lush green landscapes, sparkling waters of the deep blue sea & the majestic heights of bush-clad mountain ranges. All this was familiar to us but it was like medicine to the senses that lapped up such panoramas.
But all this natural beauty of God’s creation, failed in comparison to the joy and refreshment brought about by being with family members and other believers.
This was more than medicine to the senses - it was medicine to the soul! The delight and joy of being in their presence, talking with them, fishing with them, travelling with them and worshiping with them was a time of refreshing indeed!
But again, all the above fails miserably in comparison to the ‘times of refreshing” the Lord has in store for His redeemed people. Apostle Peter spoke of this in his second sermon to the crowd gathered. He spoke of a time in the future where not only creation would be refreshed and restored to its former glory, but a time when God’s people would be in the presence of the Lord - not for a brief holiday, but forever! This will be the perfect panacea for the mind, body and soul!
This is the time of refreshing believers are to look forward to, as this day - this day of complete and physical, final salvation draws near. Even so, come Lord Jesus!