This is sadly a phrase that we can tend to use as an excuse for a lack of willingness or readiness to serve the Lord and His people. Saying that we’re ‘too busy’ or we have ‘no time’ is often the easy way out of many situations for us. It seems that all the tasks on our own to-do list are far more important than other needs and sometimes even our own spiritual walk. Before we know it, we’ve gone several days without spending proper time with the Lord or without serving our family or friends. So what should our attitude be? What examples do we have? Well, Jesus in Matthew 14:10-25 finds out that His cousin and friend John the Baptist had just been beheaded. He tried to withdraw himself to a lonely place to mourn, but the crowds beat Him there. He willingly healed their sick and He served them all dinner. Only in the evening, did He get a chance to be alone.

Another example is Mark 1:35-39 when Jesus was alone praying, Peter sought Him out to let Him know everyone was looking for Him. Jesus’ response was once again so selfless. Perhaps that seems like no big deal, but think about the meeting that Peter broke up when he interrupted Jesus, a conversation between God the Father and His Son. Yet Jesus still had time for Peter and willingly continued on. He always had time and He always will. So let’s ask ourselves – are we really too busy for the God of the universe? Are we so bound for time that our service fails to bring honour and glory to God? If so, then this morning I suggest we need to re-examine our priorities so as not to put our need before the Lord’s.