It’s almost as if overnight, the world of social media has exploded on the scene and has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with one another today. Words like “tweeting”, “tagging” or “liking” have taken on new meaning in this techno culture of today. As of this last week, Facebook has released documents saying that they have surpassed 1.65 billion users; so in other words, over 1/6 of the world’s population is active in one social media forum today. Those numbers are absolutely staggering, almost beyond belief. I couldn’t help but think, what are Christians supposed to think about all of this? And how can we exercise biblical discernment in the way we use media? On the one hand, social networking websites provide numerous benefits and opportunities. Many ministries utilize social media to update users on news or to spread their resources. And I think it can be somewhat of a useful tool when used to communicate the right things—messages that honor Christ, exaltation of His Word, and to direct people to profitable tools for spiritual growth. But on the flip side, social media can easily be a trap that ensnares us to the point of backsliding as Christians. If social media is nothing but a forum for your random babblings and personal monologues, it can become self-centered and unrestrained. When it consumes our lives, it can be addictive and controlling and ultimately if used unwisely, it is filled temptation. For those who follow Christ, we are called to submit every area of our lives to His lordship—including how we use social media.
Let’s think about the command o f Ephesians 5:15-16 for a moment, as it seems even more relevant for us today – “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” One day we will stand before Christ to give an account for how we used His resources, including our time and energy. So with that in mind, how much of this life can be justifiably devoted to the social media platform?
Contributed by Alex Townsend