“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, ...” Romans 1:16
“The gospel” is a term that describes so much of what God wants us to know from His word but it often seems we know so little of it. What I mean by this is, we often tend to confine the gospel to its primary tenants of Jesus dying on the cross to pay the price for the salvation of sinners. While this is the fundamental core of the gospel that is key for the salvation of any believing sinner, this key truth, just opens the door for the amazing journey of faith to begin.
Now do not get me wrong here. I am not denigrating that initial exercise of saving faith in Jesus Christ who paid the ransom price demanded for our sin. This is absolutely necessary, but what does concern me is when I perceive very little ongoing love, passion, interest and increasing faith for the deeper truths of the gospel by believers. The gospel is the whole of Gods truth as contained in the Scriptures. The gospel is not only about our rescue from the clutches of a future Hell but also our journey from salvation on earth, to Heaven!
I loved sitting under the ministry of our brother last Sunday evening where the gospel (to us believers) was invigorating to the soul. My heart was made to sing as truth about Hell was unveiled and the glory & perfections of God were exalted.
We need the gospel like never before folks! “It is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..” It comforts our hearts like nothing else.
William Gurnall a puritan preacher rightly said of many believers: “The reason why many poor souls have so little heat of joy in their hearts is that they have so little light of Gospel knowledge in their mind. The further a soul stands from the light of truth, the further he must be from the heat of comfort.”
Let us make every effort to love and learn more of the gospel of Jesus Christ.