Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 1 John 2:24
The above text digs deep below our surface and evaluates our faith and commitment toward Jesus Christ. The words “I know Him” might well be paraphrased with “I am a Christian” or “ I am an believer” as the word “know” means a personal intimate faith relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
But, its one thing to know about or know intellectually Jesus Christ, but it is something else to know Him by faith in a personal way.
So how do we prove if we “know” the Lord in this faith based way?
The reason I ask and draw you attention to this, is because there are many people who call themselves ‘Christian’ or even ‘believers,’ when they are not!
There is no “truth” in them. They believe thy are Christian and may even think they are believers but their understanding is bound up in a lie of the Devil who seduces them into an erroneous and faithless knowledge of God. There is no heart driven obedience in their lives.
All the sincere religion, diligence and integrity on man’s part, is no substitute for God’s truth. Truth from God supersedes all opinions, ideologies and worldviews. God is truth and His truth is absolute. This is what we must grasp by faith. “Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but through Me.” (Jn 14;6). This is the absolute truth of the gospel and when grasped by faith - this genuine faith in God’s truth, will prove itself in the life of the believer.
So, here is how we prove if we “know” the Lord in this faith based way. We will keep His commandments. In other words our lives will be governed and submitted to God’s will as recorded in His Word. Our allegiance will be to Christ forsaking all other ‘gods’ religions, and human opinions. We will be practical followers of Christ. Do the self - evaluation test and may the Lord search our hearts.