“…The LORD is with you while you are with Him. If you seek him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. 2 Chronicles 15:2
We love to think and dwell upon Scripture that reminds us how God has promised to ‘never leave us or forsake us’ (Heb. 13:5). But I honestly believe that many Christians value this truth of God’s never ending presence, as a done deal, no matter what. Now, while God’s abiding presence is true in respect to God’s truly redeemed people for salvation, it does mean something quite different in our daily walk of life.
For example, King Asa began his reign over God’s people doing what pleased the Lord. He made some great reforms by ridding Israel of many places of idol worship. His leadership and military might grew and was strengthened as God blessed Asa’s faithfulness. It is said in (II Chron. 15:17) although all the false places of worship were not removed“Asa’s heart was blameless all his days.”
But in his aging years Asa became foolish. He forsook God. He began trusting in military might, wealth and political treaties. God was not approached on these matters and even for a serious health matter, he trusted in physicians without ever seeking the Lord. Asa then died.
Now all this is to say that if we forsake God, God will take measures that will seem and feel like He has abandoned us. We will not know and experience God’s blessing. There is such a thing as suffering for Christ in the gospel, but to suffer under the disciplining hand of God for our forsaking Him, is quite something else. It is true He will never leave us, for He will hound His rebellious children with a divine forsakenness that chastises us in order to bring us back to fellowship.
The message is: Don’t forsake the Lord because He will not leave you alone and will do whatever it takes to bring his children back to fellowship with Him.