The righteous who walks in his integrity - blessed are his children after him! Proverbs 20:7

Hi folks - It is great to be back with you - our spiritual family, after enjoying our biological family, at a time of reunion in New Zealand. For Valmae & myself to have all our children and grandchildren together, was such a blessing. 

It also brought home to me more than ever the vital need for parents to raise their children according to God’s design. This is a legacy that has immeasurable value for future generations. Our families need to learn, know and value their heritage. A godly heritage will help keep future generations on an even course and is invaluable as a mainstay for all areas of life. This calls for sacrifice and hard work for the whole family - but the reward is generational. 

Kent and Barbara Hughes in their book Disciplines of a Godly Family, say it right:

A vital element for building a family is instilling a healthy sense of heritage – an appreciation of family roots, both earthly and spiritual. Yet it is increasingly common in our world for children to have no such sense of continuity or regard for family history. Too many feel that they have come from nothing and are bound for nothing- and this goes for Christians, too. Family heritage is a subject of neglect that is in need of rehabilitation. It is one of the disciplines of a godly family.