The Milennium Reign

Steve Grant
Series in Revelation
The Millennial Reign
Revelation 20:1 - 6
25 June 2023

The hope that burns in so many hearts is for the world to have peace. This has been the hope of saints all through the years, and will be fulfilled when Christ sets up His millennial kingdom.

Revelation 20 opens with an angel from heaven binding Satan for a thousand years - a millennium. During this peaceful time, Satan will no longer be able to cause chaos on the earth. The fulfilment of the Davidic land promises made to Israel will come to pass when Christ is ruling the whole earth. During this time, Jesus will give authority to rule and shepherd the world to the saints and tribulation martyrs. This will be a golden time of great prosperity and long life.

The judgement of all people is still to come after the millennium. But for those who belong to Christ, there is nothing to fear. The child of God will never face God's wrath.