The Book of Revelation — #07 PERFORMANCE REVIEW OF THE CHURCHES, PART 4: THYATIRA (Revelation 2:18-29)

Steve Grant
Series in Revelation
Performance Review Of The Churches, Part 4: Thyatira
Revelation 2:18-29
9 July 2017

In the letter to the church at Thyatira, Jesus identifies Himself as the Son of God because He is warning them as a judge. Although they were busy in service to Him, Jesus had against them that they tolerated false teaching. A woman named Jezebel was leading the congregation into sin, and they did not oppose her. Such tolerance is a false unity God hates. Still, God "gave her time to repent," but since she refused, He will punish her with death, and those who follow her with tribulation. God owns the church, and takes the life of its members seriously. The call is to repent, and God is merciful to give us time.

To the rest who refused Jezebel's teaching, Jesus places no other burden but to hold fast the truth. Christ will come again soon, and to all those who overcome, He will give the blessing of His presence, and the right to rule with Him in the millennium reign.

The letter ends with "he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." In this age of false tolerance and unity, our charge is also to love Christ, and hold fast the truth we have.