Wisdom's Rewards for True Saints

Peter Rufus
Series in Proverbs: Wise in His Eyes
Wisdom’s Rewards for True Saints
Proverbs 3
02 October 2022

The end of all wisdom is to live rightly in the eyes of the Creator. A true son of God sets his heart on this wisdom.

A true son pursues the humility of wisdom. The constant danger is forgetting the Word of God, instead relying on our own knowledge. A wise man is a humble man who submits to the direction of his Father.

A true son knows the value of wisdom. Wisdom is not accidental, but must be pursued. There is nothing on earth so valuable as wisdom.

A true son has the confidence wisdom brings. It is not a confidence based on self, but on God. It is not so much having confidence in God as knowing that God is our confidence.

A true son enjoys the integrity of wisdom. One who walks with integrity can rest in his soul. One who is filled with gratitude for what he has been given, gives back with gladness.