The King of Glory 

Have you given much thought to your worship? Psalm 24 is a beautiful picture of the worship of the King of Glory. It begins by stating the fact that God has created the world and everything in it (24:1-2). He is worthy of praise as our Creator! The psalmist asks who may come into His presence and worship Him (24:3)? The response: only a perfect person can come into His presence (24:4). God is absolutely holy and no one can come to God in their natural state. The psalmist wants his hearers to acknowledge their sinfulness and humble themselves as unworthy before the LORD (24:4-5). It is only by God’s saving grace that mankind can come and worship their creator (24:5) (John 4:23-24). God desires His people to be seekers of Him (24:6) (Jer 29:13). 

Worship is a response to God’s nature and His works. His people have much to praise their Creator and Saviour for. This psalm looks back at a time of victory when the ark of the covenant was being returned to the Temple Mount after a victorious battle. The people are lining the streets and shouting “Who is this King of Glory?” The answer: “The LORD...” (Zech 14:16).

When Jesus was entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday the people were shouting “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” This was but a preview of the future in which Jesus will return as King and enter Jerusalem in glory and splendour as the conquering King of kings. “Who is this king of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of Glory” (10).