Fools and Their Folly 

What is a “fool?” The fool is the person that denies that God exists in his speech and/or actions. The foolish of this world are all unbelievers who live as if they will not face accountability from God for their deeds. They have a spiritual insensitivity to the word of God and lack wisdom that comes from God (1 Cor 2:14). They are not lacking in intellect, but lacking a regenerated heart. Because of their depraved natures unbelievers are corrupt in their hearts. Their lives are full of self indulgence and are perverse. Mankind is not naturally good, for man does not live for God’s glory (1). All unbelievers are “fools,” lacking understanding, because they live apart from the wisdom of God (2). Mankind will not seek after God because they love their sin (Jn 3:19-20). 

God points out the spiritual blindness of the ungodly who do not even realise that their actions are evil (4). They callously exploit others for their own gain, devouring people as if they were nothing but bread (4). They are godless, and do not care to have God in their lives at all (4). Yet, there is a a coming destruction for the ungodly of this world. Too late they will realise that God is real and is with the righteous. They will be filled with terror at their realisation that they have been fools (5). Still they will not repent, but rather in their anger they will seek to humiliate and shame the righteous (6). 

In the midst of an foolish and wicked world the psalmist calls on God to save His people (7). God’s people will rejoice at the day of reckoning and be glad at the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Maranatha!