23 A Portrait of Gospel Ministry (Colossians 4:7 - 18)

Chad Coley
Series in Colossians
A Portrait of Gospel Ministry
Colossians 4:7 - 18
26 January 2020

Paul had ministry companions God brought into his life. He was not a lone apostle. Ministry is working together in the church for the kingdom of God.

Faithfulness is utmost in ministry. As believers, we are called to see others as more important than ourselves, serving them with love. We see Paul's companions being faithful in what they had.

Ministry involves others. We are all to be committed to the gospel, as was Paul, and his friends. God is sovereign over all we do, and over those who are in our charge.

The focus of ministry is in the local churches. The churches benefited from the service of the members, whether their service was made known or not. Whether in public or secret, God sees our works. We are never alone in ministry, but serve together.