10 The Sufficiency of Christ, Part 2 (Colossians 2:9 - 10)

Chad Coley
Series in Colossians / Christ Above All
The Sufficiency of Christ, Part 2
Colossians 2:9 - 10
25 August 2019

The way you refute error is by redirecting attention to the truth. While we are surrounded by the world's philosophy, we need to renew our minds by looking to Christ, who is everything we need for spiritual life.

Jesus Christ is sufficient for us to live the lives He intends for us. Because Jesus is fully God, He is the revelation of all God's attributes to us, and we do not need to look elsewhere for spiritual truth and life. In fact, while there are many religions, there is only one true God, and one true revelation - His Word.

But more than just sufficiency, Christ is abundance. Our worth is not in what we own, accomplish, or any wordly identity - our worth is in Christ. He is the only one who can give us new natures, and fulfil the thirst of our souls for life and light. Although we may yet sorrow here, believers have eternal significance and love in Christ. In Him we can - and will - find everlasting contentment.