Alex Townsend
The Epistle of Paul to Titus
The Final Words
Titus 3:9 - 15
03 June 2018
The purpose of believers' living is to adorn the doctrines of God. We can do this by living in right relationships.
False teachers - shun them. Right doctrine is the foundation of right living, so it must be protected. If we are not studying the truth of the Scriptures ourselves, we will be led astray by something else.
Factious men - avoid them. When division arises in the church, the testimony of unity is weakened. As Jesus says in John 13:35, "by this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." True unity is fellowshipping over the truth.
Fellow servants - help them. Paul sends others to take Titus' place in Crete, because he knows they are men strong in the Scriptures. We can also help other fellow believers, especially when we are strong in the Word.
Faithful friends - serve them. Engage in good deeds to meet the needs of fellow believers. We witness to God's saving power when we love the church.
Paul ends his letter to Titus by praying for the grace of God. And it's true that this is the most important thing.