01 Hidden Treasure & The Costly Pearl (Matthew 13:44-46)

Alex Townsend
The Parables of Jesus Christ
Hidden Treasure & The Costly Pearl
Matthew 13:44-46
5 August 2018

What is a parable, and why did Jesus change his ministry style to teaching parables?

Jesus did not obey the man-made religious laws of the Pharisees, which made them bitter against him. To hide the truth of what he was saying from them, he began to speak in parables. This change of style was not to be more 'seeker-friendly,' but was in fact a judgement on those who would not believe him.

The parables of Jesus Christ are stories with one simple message about the gospel. The parable of the hidden treasure (Matt. 13:44 - 46) is no different, and speaks of a man who must give all he has in order to purchase a great treasure. Likewise, although salvation is a free gift, we must give all we have in order to receive it. It can be obtained by anyone, rich or poor, and it is a personal transaction.

The parables of Jesus Christ remind anyone who would believe what is the greatest treasure of all: knowing Christ through the gospel.