76 Why Does The World Hate You (John 15:18-25)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Why Does the World Hate You
John 15:18 - 25
12 February 2023

The world hates Christians because it hates Christ. There is enmity between Christians and those who are not because God dwells with believers, and the light of God exposes sin. Man hates having sin exposed, and the guilt it brings.

The world hates Christians because Christians are not part of this world. Satan has dominion and power over this world until Christ returns, and opposes the rule of Christ. But believers will overcome the world because Christ is with them, and He is greater than the world.

The world hates Christians because it does not know Christ. Although the Messiah was promised to her, Israel rejected Christ for His works and message, attributing His works to Satan. The world will always invent its own man-centered religion, but they will never lead to God.

Christians will have opposition because the world they live in is - for now - ruled by Satan. But when opposition comes, we can know Christ is near, and that His power is greater.