Steve Grant
Series in Revelation
35 Living in Light of The Lord's Return, Part 2
Revelation 22:10 - 22
23 June 2024
Unlike the vision Daniel saw, John's vision is unsealed and intended for all to hear it. Its fulfillment is near, and our response to the prophecy determines our eternal destiny.
John is told to proclaim to prophecy to all, because its fulfillment is near. Christ's imminent return demands a response of us, and our response to revelation determines our eternal state. Christ is returning to give to all according to their works - Christ, being God, has authority to judge all mankind. Only those who trust Him for their righteousness shall be rewarded.
Revelation closes with a final invitation and a warning to the readers. It invites all the unsaved to come to God for forgiveness and reconciliation; and it closes with a curse - that whoever adds or subtracts to the book will be cursed. God's revelation is final, and our response determines our standing with Him.