03 Blessed Are The Meek (Matthew 5:5)

Alex Townsend
The Beatitudes
Blessed Are The Meek
Matthew 5:5
6 August 2023

By God's grace, He transfers some of us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God. The 8 beatitudes describe the pattern of life of all believers - such as meekness.

What does it mean to be meek? It is not cowardice and indecisiveness, but a calm acceptance of circumstances as from God, and for our good. The meek person does not seek to achieve his ends by stepping on others' toes, but seeks God's will.

What does it mean that the meek will inherit the earth? What we see in this world is the opposite - it is the proud and ruthless who achieve greatness. Christ does not promise the future earth to these people, but to those who have given up their lives for His sake.

The beatitudes test our pattern of life, and prove whether we are truly in God's kingdom. Believers know that our circumstances are from God, and we can rest in that.