Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians — #15 GOD'S EXEMPLARY AMBASSADOR

Geoff Hohneck
Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians
God's Exemplary Ambassador
2 Corinthians 6:1 - 10
08 May 2016

All Christians have been given the ministry of reconciliation; of proclaiming God's salvation offer to the world. How should a believer live as an ambassador of God's message? In 2 Corinthians 6:1 - 10, Paul defines three areas of a Christian's life that should reflect God.

An ambassador's appeal (v. 1 - 2). Paul urges pretend believers to "not receive the grace of God in vain," merely hearing the Gospel, but not believing it. And believers are to allow the grace of God to work in sanctification, not hindering it. What is our motivation in all our ministry? It is being coworkers with Christ, reconciling His children.

An ambassador's resolve (v. 3 - 4a). Paul exhorts believers to walk with all carefulness, making sure "the ministry will not be discredited" by our actions. Our beliefs are to be evident in practice, and to display our transformation. Like Paul, we are to regard the ministry of the Gospel more important than our selves.

An ambassador's conduct (v. 4b - 10). Paul lists many areas he was tested severely, but continued in being a faithful ambassador. Like Paul, we need to face trials "in great endurance" so that we have a consistent testimony before the watching world. We cannot do this in our own strength, but "in the Holy Spirit... in the Word of Truth, in the power of God."

Since we have been given such an important ministry, let us endure all difficulties for the sake of God. And let us honour the Christ who saved us with His life by laying down our own.