Geoff Hohneck
Romans 12:11-13
8 September 2013
After 11 chapters of theoretical, foundational theology, Paul now turns to practical application. He highlights the transformational aspects that ought to be manifest in our lives as believers; in our love for one another which we ought to be constantly working on. Of course, Paul makes the assumption that his audience members are living surrendered lives as per 12:1. So now he presents the following points on HOW TO LOVE SINCERELY.
Sermon Outline:
1. Don't be an inattentive slacker (vs11a).
2. Burn out for God (vs11b)
3. Serving who? The Lord (vs11c)
4. Rejoice in the hope of God's promises (vs12a)
5. When the going gets tough -- persevere (vs12b)
6. Be devoted to prayer (vs12c)
7. Share with those in need (vs13a)
8. Pursue loving hospitality (vs13c)