01 God's Encouragement (Acts 18:1-18)

Chad Coley
Series in First Corinthians
God's Encouragement
Acts 18:1 - 18
18 February 2024

There are times when being a Christian in our world brings opposition. Paul came to Corinth with great discouragement, having been driven out of cities for preaching - but even so, God sovereignly worked to encourage him.

God encourages believers with His provision. God provided friends, finances, and fruit for Paul's ministry. God brought Priscilla and Aquila across his path; provided income through his trade; and gave fruit when Paul preached to the Gentiles.

God encourages believers with His promises. God is always with us, and we do not need to fear. The God who was with Paul is the same God who is with us. We have His promises and guidance in His Word.

God encourages believers with his providence. Paul did not have to speak a word in his defense in trial, as the proconsul refused to even hear the accusations. The precedent was set to protect the early Church by this verdict.

God sees His children through all circumstances. When we are discouraged, may we put our hope in God.