05 Passing The Test (James 1:12-15)

Chad Coley
Series in James / Faith That Works
Passing The Test
James 1:12-15
8 March 2020

The danger in trials is that we come to trust in our own abilities. What passes the test of trials is a good faith and attitude.

The Reward For Faithfulness (vs 12)

There is a reward for faithfulness in difficult circumstances. We are blessed to persevere under trial, keeping a close relationship with God. He desires to prove that we are genuine, and always desires that we would pass trials.

The Blame For Failure (vs 13-14)

God does not design temptations, but trials for our purification. He never allows us to be tempted above what we are able to manage with His help and guidance. We only sin when we are enticed to satisfaction apart from what God has given us.

The Outcome Of Sin (vs 15)

Like a dog that’s not going to give up the bone its gnawing on unless given something better, the only way we can give up gnawing on bones of sin is to think about the greater rewards that await us in Christ when we pursue holiness. So the only way to deal with sin in the mind is to confront it with the promises of God. What we need to remember is that God does not want us to fail; He wants us to pass the test and receive the reward of eternity with Him. We need to desire Him above all things. Our ultimate contentment needs to be in Him.