Great is Our God

“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised!” The psalmist begins this psalm with a call for all believers to join him in praise.

He begins by praising the Lord in the city of Jerusalem (48:2). It is a city of beauty and greatness because it is the city of the “great King.” It is secure because God Himself dwells among the Israelites in this place (Ps 48:3; Ps 68:15-16). God has promised His people, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deut 31:6; Heb 13:5). God dwells among His people in the New Testament in the person of the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:17). Praise God brethren, that you can live each day in God’s presence.

The psalmist continues by praising God for His protection from enemies (48:4). When mighty armies assembled before Jerusalem, they became terrified and fled away in panic (48:5-7). The believers of that day had only heard of God’s great wonders in the Scriptures; but now they were able to see His mighty hand in their own lives (48:8,13). Brethren, you can praise God because you are secure in Christ (Rom 8:35-39). This does not mean that you will be free from suffering or hardships in this life. When you do face times of trouble, know that God is still with you, using the trial to mature your faith (James 1:4).

The psalmist declares that these believers have meditated on God’s love as they worshiped in His house (48:9). God is worthy to receive praise because He will always act in accordance with His nature (name) and His word (48:10). Praise God that He will vindicate the righteous and judge the wicked (48:11). Brethren, praise God that He is our God forever, and our guide throughout our lives (48:14).