A Prayer for Justice
We live in a world of injustice. We see the innocent oppressed, the wicked prosper, justice perverted , and the never ending selfishness of man. Injustice is most hurtful when we experience it ourselves on a personal level. If you have suffered injustice and persecution, then you can relate to the words of David in Psalm 35. He is experiencing injustice as people slander (35:11) and oppose him, and even sought his life (35:7). David asks for God to “contend” and “fight” against those oppose him. Yet all the while he trusts in God to sustain him, deliver him, and execute justice in His timing.
Brethren, know that you will face injustice in this life. Just like David we experience opposition from people without cause (35:7), we are afflicted and taken advantage of by those stronger (35:10), and are hurt by those that we have treated only with kindness (35:12). This opposition can even come from those that are close to us, those whom we have prayed for, helped, and even considered his friends (35:12-14).
What do we do when we face hardships from the people around us? We do as David does and turn to God in faith (35:3,9,17). We can ask God for justice to be done upon the wicked and the righteous vindicated (35:4-8). We must trust that any trials we go through are part of God’s sanctifying work in our lives (Rom 8:28-30). We must draw near to God and trust that the Judge of the earth will do what is right (35:27-28). Even if we are not vindicated in this life we will be in next (Rev 6:9-11). We must remember that all those who seek to live godly in this life will face trouble (2 Tim 3:12).