For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
As Paul alerts Timothy to the reality of unfaithful congregations, he also outlines three characteristics of discerning congregations.
1. They discern truth from error: Discernment is not just for the pulpit; it’s also intended for the pews. Faithful congregations will not tolerate teaching that is unhealthy and harmful. This obviously implies the flock has knowledge and understanding of scriptural truths and principles and is able to make correct applications for life and ministry on the basis thereof.
2. They discern true shepherds from false: Unfaithful congregations have ears that prefer flattery over faithful teaching. Discerning congregations, on the other hand, recognise their real need is not to feel good about themselves, but to grow in Christlikeness. So they avoid teachers who are driven by worldly wisdom and seek out those who are immersed in the Word.
3. They discern their own sinful desires: Unfaithful congregations seem largely unaware of their own sin. Which means they’re unable to repent. Unfortunately, this means they spiral ever deeper into sinful thinking and choices which makes them reject truths and embrace myths (fabrications). Discerning congregations are acutely aware of their own sinful desires. They make no provision to indulge these desires (Rom 13:14) by taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5).
Hopefully, the application of these principles for you, as part of the NCC congregation, is obvious. May each one us continue to mature in sound doctrine (Ps 19:11), actively avoid false teachers (Jer 23:16-17), and be watchful over our own hearts (Prov 4:23).