God Cares About You
Have you ever been a situation that was physically and spiritually exhausting? Did you look for help from those you considered friends and no one seemed to notice your plight? Did you feel like you were trapped and could not escape your troubles no matter how hard you tried? If you have ever felt this way then you can relate to David in Psalm 142.
The psalm can be broken into two parts: David’s Heartfelt Cry (1-4), and David’s David’s Confident Prayer (5-7).
David’s circumstances are deeply troubling for him and he cries out to the Lord continually (1). He does not grumble (complain), but expresses his troubled thoughts and emotions to the Lord (2). He is overwhelmed and is close to despair, and yet knows that God is still sovereign over his circumstances (3). God knows about his troubles and the snares of the wicked (3). David cries out that no one seems to care about him and his situation, and that he has no one to help him (4). He feels alone, and has no where to run (4).
Yet, even in the midst of great difficulties, David knows that God is his refuge (5). He is confident in the Lord and the safety and security that He provides. He asks God to deliver him from the hand of his enemies. David can not overcome his troubles in his own strength, for he is exhausted (6). He asks God to help him out the prison of his troubles (7). David declares that he will in turn glorify God publicly. He will testify to the goodness of the Lord with the saints in the assembly. He will be alone no longer and all of God’s people will share in his joyous praise (7).