Praise the Creator of the Earth 

This psalm begins and ends with praise to the Lord. In between these bookends of praise, the psalmist draws his readers attention to God’s mighty works. He created the earth and everything in it (104:5-9), and sustains His creation (104:10-30). Because of God’s great and marvellous works, let all of His people give thanks and glorify Him. 

The psalmist begins by praising YHWH, his great God (104:1-2). God is great, covering Himself with splendour and majesty as He goes forth overseeing all of His creation (104:3-4). The psalmist meditates on the greatness of his God in creating all things (104:5-9). God demonstrates His great power through His creative acts (104:5-9). 

Not only is does God show His greatness in His creation of the world, but also in His sustaining of His creation. He sends forth waters that flow and sustain the beasts of the field and the animals of the earth (104:10-13). He graciously provides for mankind by causing the grass to grow as fodder for their cattle, and causing their farming labors to be successful (104:14). He provides man with good things to enjoy and use (104:15). 

The animals of the sea depend upon the Lord to provide for them as well (104:27). Just like man, only God can give life and He is the one that takes it away (104:29-30). God’s glory is demonstrated in these mighty acts.

The psalmist ends this psalm in verses 31-25 with a call to praise God. He declares that he will sing to the Lord as long as he lives. He shall be glad in the Lord. Brethren, as you meditate on God’s greatness will you declare with the psalmist, “Bless the Lord O my soul, Praise the Lord! 
