Unjust Rulers Rebuked
The psalmist says that God stands ready to judge those who rule on his behalf. God hates injustice, and these God-appointed judges have perverted what is right.
These judges are guilty of miscarriage of justice (82:2). They are guilty of showing partiality to the wicked. God is no respecter of persons (2 Chron 19:7); thus human judges should not be either.
These judges had perverted justice by favouring the rich and prominent, the ungodly of the world (82:2). The call is for these judges and rulers to do the job that God has given them. They must show true justice and preserve the rights of the marginalised in society against the powerful and influential (82:3-4).
The psalmist says that with their rulings and actions they reveal their lack of knowledge of what is right (82:5). They are wilfully ignorant of the truth, and therefore true justice. Without the truth they lack discernment in their decisions. Because of their decisions, the “foundations of the earth are shaken” (82:5). The foundations are the God prescribed order for just society that are being subverted by these rulings.
God pronounces His judgement upon these perverters of justice. God gave them great authority over the people as rulers and judges (82:6). Yet, they are still men and will die just like all men (82:7). They may think of themselves as “high and mighty;” but they will fall and face God judgement for their actions.
The psalmist’s words 82:8 are like our words today when we see and hear injustice. He calls for God to set things right. It is a call for the return of Christ, who will judge all and establish everlasting justice for His people (Jn 5:22). Christ will judge the wicked and vindicate the righteous.