How do we, as Christians, respond to these chaotic times?
he most important thing that you can do is to cling to the character of God. He is good (Ps 34:8), and always does what is in the best interests of His people (Rom 8:28-30). He is a refuge and shield (Ps 46), and can be trusted. Trust that the Lord has your best interests at heart. Know that as the outer man decays, you are being conformed inwardly into the image of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 4:16).
God is also our eternal and living hope. All around us are people without hope. The things of this world that have given them security have proved to be useless idols. Unlike unbelievers we have hope in someone eternal, the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3).
In light of our trust and hope in God we can be free from slavery to fear. Hebrews 2:15 says that unbelievers constantly live in fear of death. This fear drives them and enslaves them. On the other hand, God has promised His people that He will never desert them or forsake them (Heb 13:5). Psalm 46:2, “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea.’
Lastly, remember to love those around you. Think of your fellow believers and look for ways to encourage and serve them. Also, remember that the fearful people around you need Jesus Christ. Sicknesses can only destroy the body, but sin sends them eternally to hell (Matt 10:28). Tell them the Good News, that they can be saved from sin, and its terrible consequences, through faith in Jesus Christ.