And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:7)
The birth of Jesus Christ as Saviour and King is an event in history that was planned by the triune God from eternity past. The sovereign and effective plan of God is to redeem sinners out of all nations for His glory through His eternal and beloved Son, who paid in full the redemption cost demanded, as a substitute for sinners. That’s Gods sovereign will in His redemptive plan for humanity. How was this done?
The Christ child, conceived by the Holy Spirit (Mt 1:20) born of a woman, (Gal. 4:4) being Mary, who “brought forth her firstborn Son..” (Lk 2:7) and was divinely instructed, “you shall call His name Jesus for He will save His people from their sins.” (Mt. 1:21).That’s something of the sovereign plan of God in action in relation to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
But how do we see this being carried out in our history? This is where the providence of God enmeshes itself in the ordinary affairs of men to bring about His sovereign will. In other words, God arranges everyday circumstances in order to providentially bring about His sovereign purposes. For example, notice how the Roman Government called a census that required Mary & Joseph to be in Bethlehem which fulfils the prophecy of Micah 5:2. That’s God’s providence in action. Notice also how ‘there just happened’ to be some shepherds out in the field. These were the ones whom God sovereignly chose to reveal the “good news of great joy” to! Notice how “there was no room in the inn” which required his birth to take place in a humble stable. This began the pathway of humility for the Saviour that Isaiah spoke of in chapter 53. This is God’s sovereignty and providence in action together.
This Christmas is another opportunity to dwell on the sovereign Lord of the universe coming into our world miraculously but using the ordinary lives and circumstances of people, to bring about His redemptive, sovereign purposes. How awesome is our God!
Happy Christmas!