“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” Isaiah 66:13
Today in our culture we pay special tribute to our mothers. And this is a good thing because our Mum’s, in the brief time we have them in our lives, are often under valued, for the maternal and guiding influence they permanently pass on to us.
This is how God ordained mothers to be. His idea of motherhood is where comfort, protection, guidance, instruction and influence are part and parcel of the mother’s role toward her children. God even equates his comfort to His people as that of a mother’s comfort, as cited in the text above. And many of us can thank the Lord for our mothers for fulfilling this role in our lives.
My mother recently passed away but she left behind an influential godly legacy that has left its mark indelibly imprinted in the lives of her five children.
Praise the Lord for godly mothers - how we need them for our children and our children’s children. I will leave this quote from an unknown author that exonerates godly motherhood.
“She has a more influential and powerful role than any political, military, religious or educational figure. Her words are never fully forgotten. If you were blessed with a good mother, you will enjoy the advantages for the rest of your days. If your mother neglected you and her responsibilities, unfortunately the impact is almost certainly still felt today. Whether it's good or whether it's evil, a mother's impact is permanent. A child's mother is arguably the most influential figure in their life, giving credence to the old adage: the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”