“When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” Matthew 2:10
It is said of Christmas time, “tis the season to be jolly...” and I often query why this becomes a reality with many people? Retailers, our streets, city squares, and the media just to name a few, really go all out to be jolly or happy as they count down to the 25th of December. .
But I also ask, “what really is the basis of their push for cheerfulness or happiness?”
The answer can be of a commercial nature but its also clearly Christmas time, where ‘tis a season to be jolly’ - right?
And it is a season to be jolly/happy - even for Christians.
But after the 25th December the lights come down, the trees are put away; the festive spirit is locked away for another year. In other words the happy spirit displayed through the glitz, tinsel and glamour is very brief at best. It does not last!
But what is most heart wrenching is the man centered basis for this brief Christmas spirit of festivity. It was truly said by John Calvin; “While all men seek after happiness, scarcely one in a hundred looks for it from God.” [Grace Quotes]
Seeking happiness is an innate desire in all men, generally speaking. It’s in our DNA so to speak, because that’s how God wired us. But sadly sin has marred the ability of man to seek & find happiness in God by his own intellectual exercise.
But God in his grace has given mankind signposts to real genuine, and eternal happiness, down through history. In the above text all they had from God was a star that pointed to the source of true eternal happiness - Jesus Christ, God incarnate.
Today God has given us a massive signpost in the Scriptures that clearly points us to the same source of Joy - the Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sinners.
Lets certainly celebrate & be jolly this Christmas - but lets not lock the joy away for another year but rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. (Phil. 4:4)