“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

I find that so many aspects of living and dealing with everyday, necessary things can often result in periods of angst and even concern that often lead to fear. 

Whether its meeting the house payments, putting food in the pantry each week, paying the car off or endeavoring to give your children the best education - all these things and more, can breed a lot of concern and even fear. 

After all, nobody wants to have the bailiff knocking on the door and serving notice because we have not paid the mortgage, or the car payment, or having to go hungry, simply because there is not enough money to go around. 

The reasons for fear abound and are promised by God as part and parcel of living in this world as cited in our text. 

But fear need not be that master that motivates and grips us at every turn. The cure for ‘fear’ is in the words of Jesus who is truth. His word, which is truth, when trusted and believed chase away fear and give the believer peace!

But does this mean that all will be rosy and trials will never touch the believer? No! What this now means is that the truth of Jesus Christ brings peace that override any fear we encounter. It means that we can now be like Jesus, overcomers, men and women of courage, because of the overcoming power Jesus had in this world. 

Circumstances of life that cause fear will still confront us but as someone once said: True courage is not the absence of fear – but the willingness to proceed in spite of it.

Let us remember Jesus’ instruction “...take courage: I have overcome the world.”