He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will. Ephesian 1:5

Ever wondered what it would be like knowing you were adopted? I am sure one of the first things you would consider are the circumstances surrounding the decision for your biological parents to give you up for adoption. This consideration would no doubt engender levels of emotional heartache, as you would have to question the love your birth parents had for you. This can be psychologically destroying to some as they feel they have been rejected.  

I have a granddaughter who is adopted. I don’t know too much about her biological parents but I do know heaps about the mother and father who have adopted her! She may well have been originally rejected but now she lives a life where she is lovingly accepted. She has a new name, new identity, new rights, and a new hope with her new family. She has been superlatively blessed. 

Because of Adam’s sin all mankind is rejected by God and under His just wrath. We were without hope in this world, but now because of God’s mercy and grace toward us who believe, He accepts us, He adopts us through faith in Jesus Christ. We now have a new name - sons and daughters of God, a new identity - saints by calling, new rights - can come into the presence of God with confidence, a new hope - laid up for us in heaven.

Praise God for our adoption into His family - may we reflect our worshipful gratitude in obedience and faith toward our new loving, faithful and gracious heavenly Father.