“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” Matthew 4:19

I recently commented on being in the ‘land of sheep’ and considered how and why the Lord used these animals to describe His people. But New Zealand not only has many sheep it also provides excellent fishing in its coastal waters. I love fishing and have learnt, that to be successful, the fisherman/woman needs to know the how, when and where of using the right lures, the right bait. You need to know the art of deceiving the fish into thinking something is palatable for them…when really, it results in their demise!

So what do we do with the Lord’s metaphor of making us fishers of men? Does this mean we go all out to lure people with deceptive means to Christ? The answer is no! First Jesus said “follow me”! In other words, ‘do what I do when it comes to catching men with the gospel.’ As a matter of fact 1Cor, 1:18, states that the ‘lure’ we use in catching men is unattractive… it is foolishness, repulsive! That’s what the gospel is to those who are ‘fish’ in a sea of sinful selfish pleasures! “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

Let us always remember that  God wants us to ‘fish for men’ by only using the true ‘lure of the gospel.’  Though it is ‘foolishness’ to the perishing, be encouraged that it is made enticing to those whom God chooses, by the power of the Holy Spirit in drawing men to salvation.