“As for me, I would seek God, and to God would I commit my cause,” Job 5:8
The above title is a necessary self-evaluation question in regards to life in general. The reason being - a low level of commitment in important areas like family, marriage, career, and our worship of God too often produce heartache, and even disaster to the uncommitted and to those who are close and dependent.
But we really need to ask what is our priority commitment? Is there a priority commitment that should be above all other commitments we have in life?
I believe there is. For the believer, it must be the Lord, His ways, His plans and His will for our lives. As a matter of fact if we do not seek God above all else - our priority commitment is obviously focused elsewhere - which is a form of idolatry! Even our marriages, family, and working life all should come under the priority commitment, of seeking God in our worship of Him. All the other necessary commitments in life will only be glorifying to God and have His blessing when we understand this vital commitment priority.
We should also keep in mind the life principle spoken in proverbs “Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” (16:3)
This is why family, marriages, careers, and church certainly require our hard work…but if we do not submit them to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives, we will come unstuck and suffer the spiritual consequences.
This is why we should help others in being committed. I like what Rod Rogers once wrote, Never hesitate to ask people to make a commitment that is for their own good.