For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4
When we think of ministry our minds quickly rush to public and up-front participation. But I ask what about the ministry of encouragement? This is a needful ministry that every single believer should be involved in. To encourage others in the local assembly and those without should be to us a natural outflow of what God in His grace and mercy has gifted us - salvation! But what is this encouragement of others all about?
It’s certainly not based on the temporary enticements and passing comforts this world offers. Our encouragement to others needs be centered on the truth of Scripture, which points to the all-sufficient Jesus Christ. So, when was the last time you encouraged someone with God’s truth? I like how Wayne Mack challenges us all on this in writing on To Be or Not To Be a Church Member:
“Though some people may seem to be naturally gifted at encouraging and uplifting other people, the Bible makes it clear that we’re all to be encouragers. According to Scripture, encouragement is to be a regular part of our interaction with other people. This necessarily means that we must spend time with other people for the purpose of knowing their needs, their struggles, and how best they may be encouraged.”