Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Philippians 4:4

Our lives are often thrown into turmoil when confronted with arduous circumstances. These times can be difficult to say the least as we struggle to come to terms with their possible long and short-term consequences.  

Some people can be downcast, morose, depressed and even suicidal as they fold in under the weight of such trying situations.

For such people in these times, joy is completely gone as waves of deprivation rolls over them. All they see is a woeful existence of living without whatever joy and peace  has been snatched from them. 

But as believers our fullness of joy is not in those things that perish and even in those people we love – as they all move on and can change – right?

Our joy needs be always in the Lord. When the waves and billows roll over us, despite what has been taken from us, our joy and peace that we ultimately find in Christ, supersedes any earthly, joy that can be removed from us. 

Bruce Hurt said in his commentary on Galatians: 

Joy is godly optimism even in trying circumstances whereas peace is godly contentment inspite of our circumstances.