“… the glory of children is their fathers.” Proverbs 17:6
Dads, what an awesome assessment for your children to have of you indelibly impressed upon them! For children to grow up with increasing love and value to the point of their Dad being a glory to them… is how it should be… right? But how do us Dads get there?
Amidst all the vital details fashioning the fatherhood package, including the joys, trials and the mundane - I really love the foundational advice for fathers that J. Adams gives in his book, Christian Living in the Home - “The best way to be a good father to your children is to be a good husband to their mother.” What better place for Dad’s to start - right? How true it is, our actions speak louder than words.
When children view their Dad’s as a father who loves, values and respects their Mum, they begin to establish in their own minds a developing love, respect and value for their father.
I also see as being vital in this fatherhood package - the Dad’s overall biblical responsibilities to ward his family. Allow Gene Getz in his book Elders and Leaders to say it all. Biblically speaking, there are no exceptions or exemptions for a father when it comes to overseeing family responsibilities. This does not mean, of course, that he is to do all the work, but ultimately he is responsible to make sure that all members of his family are loved, cared for, encouraged, and taught God’s truth. In turn, he is responsible for each person to function properly (according to age levels) within this God-ordained social unit.
May your children rise up and call you blessed not only today, but for the rest of their lives!