Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; And let those who love Your salvation say continually, “let God be magnified.” Psalm 70:4

Over the last few weeks I have asked myself some serious questions dealing with the what, why, when, where, who & how of my prayers. The answers, when all was weighed up against the Word of God, found me sorely wanting. I discovered that my prayers were heavily bent with a “Lord bless me - Lord bless us” mentality. In other words, the purpose of so much of my prayer can be likened to going to the supermarket with an “I need this” list! My too often, self-orientated prayers produce a dry, confused and weary attitude toward prayer that I long to be rid of. I long for change that I know must begin deep within as I encounter God’s holy presence that will make me more like Jesus!

I know I do not have this issue on my own.  Allow me to share briefly the solution to what I believe will produce prayers that exalt Christ and will bring vitality and meaning to our prayers.

Our prayers must be worship based rather than ‘needs’ based. To accomplish praying that is Spirit filled, Spirit empowered, and in the will of God, we need to base prayer on the Word of God. Rather than a ‘shopping list’ let us learn to pray with God’s Word as the prime mover. Allow our requests to flow out of our worship of God rather than a regimented list.

Mark Dever & Paul Alexander said this: Praying God’s Word back to Him in the corporate assembly communicates that we want to approach Him in His terms, not ours, and according to who He has revealed Himself to be, not who we would prefer Him to be.”

Let us seek the Lord’s face in worship - not only His hand for provision!