And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18
Someone asked me recently if it were possible to have some teaching specifically on prayer. I have since asked myself some pertinent questions in regard to my own views on prayer. Simple questions like, “What motivates me to pray? How do I think God interacts with my prayers? Why is it that prayer is often a last resort?” Along with other searching questions, their answers demanded repentance on my part because they clearly spelt out an overriding issue - “Oh you of little faith”!
Faith in God is easy to quote and explain but it is “in the Spirit” prayer that gives evidence of its action. May our faith in God, as individuals and as a church be so aroused that we learn more and more of the sweetness of ‘in the Spirit’ praying.
Read what John Calvin once wrote on prayer:
“Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, or of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promises, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word, that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things.”