The Ten Commandments — #05 WORK, REST & WORSHIP

Geoff Hohneck
The Ten Commandments
Work, Rest & Worship
Exodus 20:8-11
19 February 2017

What does observing the Sabbath Day mean for believers today? The fourth commandment makes the point that every moment belongs to the Lord. Everything we do is to honour Him.

How are we to understand the principles of this commandment? Firstly, it implies that most of the week, we should be involved in work. We are created to work, although pain and tedium have entered into it since the Fall. Like God who created the heavens and earth in six days, we are also to labour for the good of others.

The fourth commandment directs us to set aside time for rest. We should keep time for self, family, church, and friends. As God rested on the seventh, we too should take time to enjoy the life God has provided.

We are to make time for worship. The Israelites were to cease from their work schedule and remember their Creator (Deut. 5:15). A day of rest is an opportunity to stop, and re-centre our lives on God.

The Sabbath rest is a time to remember the salvation of Jesus Christ. The seventh day was a picture of Christ, who became our final rest (Heb. 4:1 - 13). We enter into that rest by God's grace only, and not by works.