22 RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST (Revelation 13:1-10)

Steve Grant
Series in Revelation
Rise of the Antichrist
Revelation 13:1-10
30 May 2021

There is an empire that we see rise from the nations in Revelation 13. The man at head is the antichrist, who is empowered by Satan.

The antichrist will rise as one of ten kings (Daniel 7:23 - 24). He will lead his empire to fight against God's people, even setting himself up as God (2 Thess. 2:4). His world empire will be empowered by Satan himself, and he will demand to be worshipped as God.

The time of the tribulation is a temporary punishment for Israel until they turn to Him. Everyone whose name is not in the Book of Life will worship the beast; but God is ever in control.