The Epistle of Paul to Titus — #01 THE GOSPEL & GODLINESS

Alex Townsend
The Epistle of Paul to Titus
The Gospel & Godliness
Titus 1:1-2
03 July 2016

The Gospel is the marvellous message that God made us "alive when [we] were dead in transgressions and sins" (Eph 2:1). Writing a letter to Titus, one of his converts in Crete, Paul opens with this message in order to remind him what their ministry was all about.

Preach the Gospel - to bring those chosen of God to faith. Our duty is to proclaim the Good News to everyone, and we trust that God will save His elect. The Christian can have great courage in knowing that God will bring all of His children safely home.

Proclaim goodness - to bring those chosen of God who had exercised saving faith the knowledge of the truth, which is for the purpose of Godliness. The Gospel saves us, and then we grow in sanctification.

Proclaim hope of eternal life - to bring to those who are the chosen of God the hope of eternal life. This is a certain promise, as "God, who can't lie, promised long ages ago."

The Gospel is central to all we do as Christians. Let us remember it as we live out all our days.